FirstClassMLM website
His name is Tim Sales.
- There are three types of people you can take advice from. Make sure you pick the right one.
- In very simple terms - and without hype - you will understand what MLM is and how it works.
How does Multi-Level Marketing work?
- How does the commission structure work? What activities would I be doing?
Is MLM legal? Says who?
- Is MLM even legal? If so, who has the authority to claim it's legal? Is MLM ethical and professional?
What is First Class MLM?
- Multi-Level Marketing can be done professionally and unprofessionally. First Class MLM is very professional.
Why look at MLM?
- Comparing the alternatives to MLM - MLM is looking pretty good!
How do I evaluate an MLM company?
- So you've decided MLM is a good business, now - how to evaluate whether a company is a good one or not.
What is a Trillion?
- Let's really put this into perspective
Is MLM a pyramid or scam?
- What do pyramids and scams have to do with MLM?
Isn't MLM a pyramid because of its shape?
- Multi-level marketing's structure is shaped like a pyramid - does that mean it is?
Are people at the top of an MLM company making all the money?
- Do people who get in first (and at the top) of an MLM company make all (or most of) the money?
Do most people fail in MLM?
- Are the odds good or bad that someone can make it in MLM?
Do all those levels of commission add to the price of the product?
- If you choose to build an MLM business, what are your odds of MLM success? Is MLM hard to do?
Does an MLM business collapse?
- Can an MLM business collapse because there are no more new people to join?
Is MLM a Ponzi Scheme?
- What does a Ponzi Scheme have to do with MLM?
Is MLM a chain letter?
- Does MLM have anything to do with a chain letter?
MLM history
- How did MLM begin? What are its roots?
Pyramid history
- Now that you know how MLM got started, how did pyramids start?
Wholesale Buying Organizations versus Retail Selling Organizations
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