A Tribute to NMTT blog's Readers -- That's You!
Hello World,
Do pardon us for the break in updates on NMTT blog.
New articles & online resources are in the midst of being concocted.
Just to let all readers know that though, at times, this blog might seem behind on actual dates of new posts, we are unlike other blogs where the website "dies" as soon as the individual / author of their site loses faith in their respective business(es) or switches companies.
(Notice many "old" blogs & sites plastered all over the internet with their most recent posts / updates dating to 2006, 2005, or even earlier.)
We are a group of individuals who are committed to the positives of this industry.
Even if one of us get caught up with life's goings-on, there will be others among us who will want to carry on with our good work as seen on this website thus far.
Do continue communicating with us via our e-mail, or the e-form (on the left side). One of us will read your mail sooner or later.
Much thanks to all of you who've been keeping in touch. It is definitely a pleasure to hear about your queries, or how you are doing in your business.
Feel free to copy/paste NMTT blog's posts in part / whole, as long as you refer your site / print media back to this web address that you're looking at:
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all readers & surfers who come from all over the globe, especially the "minority" web citizens from Latin America, Australasia, & Eastern/Northern Europe.
Do continue to spread word on this blog, or linking to us from your own websites / blogs.
Tell your friends from all over the world about our site.
Perhaps, even use this site as a tool to "open their eyes" on what they're missing out by not giving this industry a thought.
To see where all you 950 readers from the past 3 months come from, click on this beautiful picture of mother earth:

In the mean time, for those who haven't done so, sign up for FREE updates using the e-form over on the left side of this Blog.
A BIG "thank you" to all current subscribers.
We'll talk to you soon, & look forward to hearing from you again too.
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