Network Marketing Trials & Tribulations in the Far East

This blog relates facts, figures & rants to educate truths, debunk myths & assist newbie/seasoned readers who are sieving the myriad of deceit concocted by people wishing to close deals in a quicker fashion. Looking for: 1) the right company, 2) a viable compensation plan, 3) good co-workers, 4) a simple duplicable system with dependable support & resources…goes a long way in making it easier (& safer) to build a network based on the right principles. If "Nobodies" can make it, YOU can too.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Latest Documentary Movie


This is one of the latest documentary movies being shown on selected cinema screens.

It gives realistic insight into the LEGIT side of the network marketing / mlm industry...
and does what movies like "Fahrenheit 9/11" [See this link or this link], & "An Inconvenient Truth" has done to tell the Real Stories as they should be told -- FACTUALLY.
You will see that some folks make it, and some don't -- just like in all other affiliations in life, or line of work.

The Director had personally told us:
"As you know, there are a lot of people out there that think MLMs suck.
Our hope is that we have represented that side and the other side as well!
"The Downline" is the first and only true documentary about the MLM or Network Marketing industry."

The movie also illustrates to the general public what to watch out for in illegal multi-level operations -- the "money-games" or affectionately known as "pyramid schemes".
It was filmed without the intention of making it a marketing tool for the industry as it depicts both successes & failures.

Check out "The Downline"...


Another movie worth checking out is "The Secret".
This article explains how it is being "interestingly" distributed worldwide -- word-of-mouth simply works!

Do WITHOUT the juice/vitamin/cosmetic/household "stuff".
Find a niche & the market will come to you!

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Friday, December 22, 2006

XanGo, MonaVie, FreeLife the "next" breakthroughs?

Read on for some interesting insights!

Xango officially opened its doors in Malaysia & Singapore recently. However...

Xango Executive, Joe Morton, was himself quoted in Time Magazine:
9th October 2006

In the case of XanGo, "no published clinical trials show evidence that either the fruit or its juice is an effective treatment for arthritis, cancer or any other disorder in humans," writes Dr. Brent Bauer, the Mayo Clinic's alternative-medicine specialist. Mangosteens contain antioxidants called xanthones that have been shown to stop certain bacteria and fungi in lab tests. Yet independent-distributor sites claim the juice helps everything from Alzheimer's disease to kidney stones. XanGo's Morton concedes that wild claims are being made. "With 600,000 distributors, some stuff gets past our compliance [measures]," he says. "Overpromising and underdelivering is a problem in any company, from painting houses to selling cars."

A Q&A article in Time Magazine with a Doctor talks about Acai, Goji, & Mangosteen.
4th September 2006

" The juice that is much hyped as a super health food is pressed from the purple rind, which has a lot of antioxidant pigments. I see no advantage over cheaper, more readily available berries and juices. "

" The açai berry from brazil is high in antioxidants, but i'm always wary of "next big things." Familiar berries are just as good — and cheaper. "

" Goji berries from the Himalayas are another "next big thing." They are rich in antioxidants but offer no special benefits that more familiar berries do not. "

The superfruits are marketed by: XanGo LLC, & Vemma / New Vision for the Mangosteen; eXfuze, 4Life Research LLC, MonaVie / Monarch Health Sciences, Fruta Vida International, & Amigo Health Labs Inc for the Acai; FreeLife International for the Goji / GoChi.

In summary, the companies marketing the above 3 said supplement beverages employ out-dated compensation plans to reward its workers, aka distributors (perhaps except Vemma & MonaVie).

They also try to attract new independent distributors by employing intricate bonus rewards which 90% of the network marketing distributor population will never qualify for... ever!
These bonuses only serve to reward the high-flyers who work more than full-time on their business.

Their pay plans are only suitable for full-timers who can spend endless hours finding more & more & more consumers / sub-distributors to meet the high product volume requirements before they get rewarded for the work they do promoting the products.

We are not saying that the products don't work... but with the above findings it is not as bright a future for you in these companies as you might be led to think.

Especially since some of these use difficult compensation unsuitable for 90% of the marketing workforce who are essentially part-timers.

Do WITHOUT the juice/vitamin/cosmetic/household "stuff".
Find a niche & the market will come to you!

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Friday, December 01, 2006

Freelife unnecessarily employing sensationalism

It appears that FreeLife, supposedly a reputable network marketing company, is over-hyping its product even at the corporate level -- deliberately toying around with the impression given by Time Magazine's famous phrase "XXXXX of the year", and going to the extent of unnecessarily adding in words like "Number 1".

In Time Magazine's article "A Taste of the Future", July 16th 2006, the goji berry was simply mentioned as a feature of New York City's 52nd Summer Fancy Food Show -- talking about foods that one might see retailing during the year.
As shown below, the Time article merely said "...this year's breakout was..." without any celebratory fanfare as they would state for, e.g., Time Photo of the Year.

It is just normal text in a small box!

extract of Time Magazine courtesy of freelife" When 2,200 food purveyors gathered at the 52nd Summer Fancy Food Show in New York City last week, the 160,000 food products on offer ranged from the ridiculous... to the sublime... Here's a peek at what could be showing up on your grocery shelves.

In the produce world, some fruits have better health credentials than others. So-called superfruits flavored everything from pomegranate-blueberry lemonade to açaí energy bars. This year's breakout was the Himalayan goji berry, said to be a source of energy and longevity. The berry made several appearances, most successfully in Himalania's trail mixes and snacks. "

"Time Magazine" ... "Number 1" ... that's some big ego talk! The product is great. Great. So, ride on the good human testimonials, but cut out the unjustified hype!
Freelife is conveniently leaving out the last sentence (shown above) in all their marketing -- which actually talks about a different brand of Goji products. LOL.

FreeLife even took it "one notch up" on their website:
"Last July, the Los Angeles Times wrote a tremendous article on the goji berry. This July, TIME magazine, the world's largest news magazine with over 28 million monthly readers, has just named the Himalayan Goji Berry as the breakout superfruit of the year! Referring to the Himalayan goji berry as a source of energy and longevity, the July 24 article was focused on those superfruits that have better health credentials than others. And the Himalayan goji berry was the Number 1 breakout of the year!

As we have said from day 1, Himalayan Goji Juice will become a billion-dollar brand and the most successful functional beverage of its kind because it has great history, great science, gives more great results, and tastes great. No other product in the marketplace can make that claim and now no other product in the world can state that TIME magazine called their unique ingredient the BREAKOUT SUPERFRUIT OF THE YEAR!

Being mentioned in Time is great! But why hype it up unless the intention is to...

updated link (January 27th 2007): FreeLife Corporate using the Time article again
" 7. The media attention that FreeLife, Himalayan Goji Juice, and the goji berry have received over the past year has been incredible. This year, TIME magazine called the Himalayan Goji Berry the "Super Fruit of the Year" "

Do WITHOUT the juice/vitamin/cosmetic/household "stuff".
Find a niche & the market will come to you!

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