Donald Trump in MLM again?
"The Donald" is "back" in network marketing!
He openly supported this business concept in his bestselling book with Kiyosaki.
It does not matter if he is just a pitch-man in his latest gig. Nor if he is an owner / investor / master distributor / whatever.
Fact is, he endorses the industry and it also proves that The New Professionals are coming of age!
HOWEVER, one should favour a little thought before jumping aboard this bandwagon. Everybody should recall how super-salesperson Zig Ziglar's mlm startup bit the dust prematurely.
Great business minds / executives, do not necessarily know how to build Network Marketing organisations successfully.
If Donald Trump comes out to admit that he personally built a MLM organisation in his early days before he was "The Donald" -- NOW that is something worth considering.
In the end, it really all boils down to timing, focus, ... and a little bit of Luck.
If you are doing ok in your program, build it better.
Mean time on a totally unrelated note, enjoy this "virally" interesting video about "how to sell / market soap" put together by some savvy german marketers...
Do WITHOUT the juice/vitamin/cosmetic/household "stuff".
Find a niche & the market will come to you!
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